Another Death in the Family – Part 3

This is the third in a three part post. Please see Part 1 and Part 2. All related posts can be found in the category ‘Death in my Family‘.

Dad’s physical condition was stabilizing, and he was eventually moved out of the cardiac ward and into the long-term care ward. His mental state continued to deteriorate. Sometimes he recognized me, sometimes not. He often thought I was his younger brother, whom he had nicknamed “asshole” when they were kids and fought a lot. So, frequently I was greeted with “hey asshole” when I entered the room. Most of the time, I just took it, but to the muffled amusement of the nurses, occasionally I struck back and told him that I didn’t “fucking appreciate being called an asshole, and that I deserved a little bit of respect.” Usually that brought him back to the present, and he realized who I was. Continue reading

Another Death in the Family – Part 2

This is Part 2 of a 3 part post. Please also see Part 1 of this post. All related posts can be found in the category Death in my Family.

The conversation I had with Mr. & Mrs. Smith hit me like a sucker punch to the gut. When I talked to Dad and raised my concerns and implored him to think about getting to the hospital, he got very angry with me, and cussed about how the Smiths and everyone else should just mind their own business and leave him alone. He was adamant that he would get healing in Christian Science or just die. Either way, he wasn’t going to the hospital. I felt helpless. I was 3,000 miles away, and wasn’t in much of a financial position to afford to travel on short notice to Dad’s home. I felt trapped and helpless. Continue reading

Another Death in the Family – Part 1

This is related to my previous post, A Death in the Family, and the events I describe here follow on from that post, later in the same year. Since this is a long story to tell, I have broken it into multiple parts. All related posts are under the category Death in my Family.

So, what was the final push that got me out of Christian Science? The final of the “death by 1,000 cuts” of my faith in it? My father’s death. Yes, I’m being very un-Christian Science by saying the “D” word, but he died. Unlike in the case of my Mom, I was there for every terrible part of it. Christian Science failed my father in the most horrible way. He was dedicated to it for most of his life, but in the end, his unwavering faith in it condemned him to unspeakable suffering, just as it had my Mom. Continue reading

Running Out of “Nothing”

Two people were out on a drive in a remote area, along a road that few cars used. One was a Christian Scientist, one was not. The car ran out of gas. Continue reading

Know The Truth About It and It Will Get Better, Right?

I am not writing this from my usual place all comfy at home. I’m at my office, it’s late, nobody else is here, and quite frankly, I’m beginning to believe the stories about this old building being haunted. I know I’m the only one here, but it doesn’t quite feel like it. Continue reading

Happy Mothers Day

It’s been a few Mothers Days now since my own mother’s death. It’s easier now, and I even celebrate it, and so enjoy the joy my friends who are moms or whose moms are still with them have on this day. It wasn’t so easy the first time. Mothers Day was depressing. Continue reading