Staying in your lane

I hear the phrase “stay in your lane” a lot lately. Usually, it is thrown insultingly at celebrities who speak out on political issues, or some such thing. It’s often used as a belittling admonishment to stamp someone down and put them in their “place” so to speak.

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A new post

Well, it’s been almost a year since I last wrote a new post. I had thought at the time that I’d just take a break for a few months, but it ended up being a longer break. As I said, I’m not quite finished with this project, but I’m probably close. How close is anyone’s guess (including mine). For now, I’m just going to post when I feel inspired, rather than returning to a regular schedule of posts.

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That look you get…


Image source: Facebook.

I shared this meme on my Facebook timeline recently. It was shared by another friend who, like me, is not religious. Unlike me, he knows nothing about Christian Science. I envy him and so many of my other friends for that fact. For most of them, all that they know about Christian Science is what I’ve chosen to share with them about my own experience, unless they’ve done their own research–I always tell my friends to just Google it and read for themselves. Continue reading

Does prayer really do anything?

I have a confession to make: I still pray occasionally. Yes, my regular readers may be surprised, given that I’m largely atheist/agnostic, that I do pray. However, for me, it’s something different. It’s more akin to meditation. It’s similar to the process of de-fragging a computer hard-drive. I appreciate the time when I can be alone and quiet with my own thoughts and just sort things through. I don’t pray for anything, I just endeavour to reach a state of calmness and balance where I can sort through the stuff in my head. For me, it’s not an easy state to reach. I attend weekly sweat-lodge ceremonies, and I do meditate a lot there. I also meditate on the yoga mat. Sometimes, it’s when I’m driving–I do some of my best thinking when I’m in the car. Other times, it’s when doing outdoor activities. On an individual basis, within my own thought, yes, this process of meditation (you can call it prayer if you want) does do something, in my opinion, for me. Continue reading

You age, but growing old is optional…

As I wrote in a previous post, I recently built myself a small deck out behind my home. It was a physically demanding job, and the next day I felt quite sore. I’ve come to realize as I get older, that this whole “getting sore” thing is intensifying somewhat. I also realize that in some ways, perhaps it’s a function of my attitude. Now, before you start thinking that I’m going to say that my thought alone is causing something physical, I’ll stop you there. My attitude over the past few years is something that has kept me from doing the physically active things I’ve done in the past that have allowed me to feel better, and not suffer such consequences of intermittent activity. Continue reading

Balance is important

I was on the yoga mat the other day, and began to think–something I often do as I get into my meditative state. There are many teachings that come from the practice of yoga, but one of the biggest ones for me is balance. Not the ‘don’t fall over’ kind of balance (well there’s that too); what I’m talking about here, is balance in life practice. It’s one of the many teachings I take from the yoga mat into my daily life. Continue reading

It’s OK to Be Angry

It’s hard as a Refugee From An Obscure Religion, as I call myself and other ex-Christian Scientists, to find someone I can talk to about what I’ve been through who will understand it all. As any of us who’ve spent time in Christian Science will tell you, it’s an extra-special kind of Krazy Sauce that most people just don’t understand. I would hazard to guess that in the entire metro area I live in, which has a population of around 190,000, I am probably one of less than 10 (if even that many) who are ex-Christian Scientists, and I’m probably being generous in that estimation. Continue reading

Why Did I Stay So Long?

I’ve pondered this question often over the past few years. I think I’ve written a bit on the subject in this blog too. Mostly, I’ve thought I stayed with Christian Science because (1) it’s what I grew up with, it was familiar, and (2) I didn’t want to disappoint my parents. Continue reading

I Am Not, and Don’t Need to Be Perfect

I had an epiphany recently in yoga class, or more accurately, an epiphany had me. The instructor was suggesting what’s known as an intention for the class (something to focus on in your practice for that hour). She suggested that we were not, and didn’t need to be perfect. Now, she was saying this in relation to our yoga practice–many postures are challenging to achieve, and it’s easy to not try one for fear of not doing it “right”. That doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you try to do it, and try to do your best at it. It doesn’t matter if you get the posture absolutely right, or bend as far as your more limber neighbour. I was lying there on my mat, and literally what she was saying hit me like an epiphany: I don’t need to be perfect! This was as applicable in my life as it was there on my yoga mat.

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What’s In a Year

Today, April 27, 2014, marks one year since I posted the first post that got this little project of mine off the ground. A lot has changed in my life, and much has remained the same. I continue in my growth as a “former Christian Scientist”, and in that respect, my life has moved in directions I never would have thought it would, and been richer and more fulfilling than ever. I also can’t believe how fast a year has passed.  Continue reading