A Tragically Public Failure of Christian Science

I’m not a follower of celebrity news or gossip. It is something that has never held much interest for me. However, one bit of recent celebrity news has caught my attention for obvious reasons, given my background and the reasons I write this blog. I also feel very conflicted about this story as well, and have debated whether or not to write about it at all. The celebrity story I discuss here points up a central reason why I write this blog: Christian Science does not heal physical ailments. Plain and simple, it does not work. I’ve said this many times; and now we have a very visible failure of it in the celebrity news pages. Continue reading

Christian Science and Narcissism

Image credit: Google image search.

I recently had the opportunity to discuss narcissism with an old friend who, like me, is also a former Christian Scientist. We speculated somewhat on whether or not Christian Science either (a) creates narcissists, or (b) attracts and/or fosters them. I’ve had some on-line discussions with other ex-Christian Scientists on the topic as well. Here are my thoughts on the subject. Please note that I am not a mental health professional, nor is anyone else I’ve discussed this subject with. What you read here are the speculative musings of laypeople.

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