Pay for prayer

The above article came across my Facebook newsfeed, and of course, given my background in Christian Science, the title caught my attention. Please give it a read as a backgrounder (it’s short, I promise), before you continue reading this post. Continue reading

Professional Accountability

This is another in my series on contradictions in Christian Science practice, teachings, and culture. See others under the category of Contradictions.

I visit a physical therapist on occasion, when some part of me is injured or sore. My physio has worked wonders on my chronic lower back issues, and helped me with a shoulder injury I sustained this past winter. My physio is also a certified acupuncturist, and acupuncture helped greatly in alleviating the pain of the shoulder injury. I also visit a walk-in clinic when I need medical attention (I still haven’t gotten around to connecting with a regular General Practitioner). Back in the day, when I had hair, I also visited a barber. I take my cat to a veterinarian for regular check-ups and vaccinations. I work with colleagues who are certified social workers–something I am considering becoming. Continue reading

Responsibility & Blame

Warning: I’m ranting…some profanity ahead…

I was driving home from work the other day, and as is often the case, I seem to do my best thinking in the car. Finally putting the story of my parents’ deaths to paper, so to speak, has caused me to think a lot about that event; something I haven’t done for a while. I began to think, “who or what is responsible for the way they died?” Now, straight up, I’ll admit they didn’t die young as many Christian Scientists do. Mom was 81; Dad was 79. They both died in the same year. However, they died in great pain, agony, and suffering–especially Mom, who died with no pain abatement available to her at all in a Christian Science nursing facility with a large tumour in her abdomen. At least I got Dad to the hospital where he was made comfortable, and his physical situation was stabilized as much as it could be, although he did suffer a lot for many years from the effects of heart failure until it finally caught up with him.

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