Sunday morning rant

As my regular readers well know, I am not religious, and no longer attend church. I despise the deep hypocrisy I see with many who are religious–not just Christians, but Muslims, Jews, and many others. I just don’t see religion as a force for good in this world. Yes, it claims to be, but in practice it isn’t. Continue reading

I tried to reason out a bigoted stance…

Undefined Love Facebook Cover

Image credit: Timeline Covers (

I was having breakfast at a local bakery one morning recently with my cousins, who were visiting from out of town. Shortly after we got our breakfasts and settled in with our coffee to enjoy the view of the lake and mountains, two women walked in. They were obviously in a relationship, and it looked to me to be a very happy and loving relationship as they laughed and joked with each other at the cash register. Nobody took much notice of them, and that is a good

Image credit: Emerging Gently.

Image credit: Emerging Gently.

thing. Normally, I wouldn’t have either, but for some reason I did notice this couple in particular. I am grateful to live in a community that is largely becoming more accepting of same-sex couples, and they were just another couple out for breakfast on an uncharacteristically rainy July day. Continue reading

LGBTQ+ sexuality and Christian Science

Once upon a time, I swore to myself, and in e-mail witness with my friend and fellow ex-Christian Scientist blogger at Kindism, that I was not going to wade into the extra weird world of sexuality and Christian Science. I’ve been quite happy to leave this odd topic in her capable hands–I’ll put in a plug to check out her blog posts on the topic. Well, I’m going to break that vow–just a little bit. My post today deals with a hot-button (for some) issue: those who are lesbian/bi-sexual/gay/transgender/queer (LGBTQ+) and are sometimes generically and incorrectly lumped together under the term, homosexual. Bisexual people are not homosexual, by the way. Homosexuality refers specifically to those who are attracted to those of the same gender as themselves.

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A Statement From the Principia Board of Trustees

I have written about the policies regarding same-sex relationships and LBGT issues at Principia previously (click here). After much deliberation, the Principia Board of Trustees has taken a small step in the right direction, inching out of the 19th century and thankfully removing a policy that was rooted in bigotry. Here is their statement and the Q & A they attached (click here to view it on their website): Continue reading

No More Accommodations (Profanity Warning)


Image credit: One Nation Under Nothing (Facebook Page).

As I write this post, both the upper and lower houses of the United States state of Arizona’s legislature have passed a bill that would permit any business in the state to refuse service to certain people (read LGBTQ+), based on “sincerely held religious beliefs”. If this bill receives the governor’s signature, it will become the law of the land, and there is every likelihood it will, as the governor is a social conservative. Continue reading

I won’t support bigotry

I realize it’s been awhile since I’ve posted an entry–my apologies, dear readers. Truth be told, I’ve been extremely busy at work lately, and at home too, so time and lack of inspiration (writer’s block) have been working against me here, but I’m back–although given that it’s summer, and I like playing outside, I will likely not be posting as frequently as I have in the past. Today, I am grateful for the facts that (1) the crazy busyness at work is finally passed and, (2) inspiration for a post came to me in the mail (e-mail, that is). The dry spell has been broken–for now. Continue reading