What’s the real danger?

Much has been made in the news about the so-called “bathroom laws” that have been enacted in the U. S. states of North Carolina and Mississippi. While I do agree that there are some legitimate concerns about predatory men who may claim ‘transgendered’ status in order to gain access to a womens’ bathroom, that concern is minimal at best. I firmly believe these laws are rooted in intolerance and bigotry. Already, a lesbian woman, who looks and dresses in a masculine manner, but is still very much female, and identifies as such, was humiliatingly dragged out of a public washroom by police, presumably in one of those states. The video I viewed did not identify the location. In all honesty, what’s between the legs of the person next to me in the bathroom is of no concern to me. Continue reading

Little Shop of Horrors

Christian Scientists famously eschew medical care for the most part. Radical reliance on Christian Science treatment for disease or injury is a common practice with those who are faithful Christian Scientists, and those who waver in that ‘radical reliance’ often face withering peer pressure to toe the line. If you’re employed by, or attending a Christian Science affiliated organization or facility (like a college, nursing facility, or summer camp), your attendance and/or employment also hinge on your radical reliance on nothing other than Christian Science for your physical and mental well-being. Continue reading