This is OK and that is not

This is another in an occasional series of posts dealing with contradictions within the practice and/or culture of Christian Science. For other posts, check out the topic “Contradictions

There are many things about Christian Science, and especially the practice & culture of Christian Science, that get under my skin and annoy me; but one of the things that truly does are the odd physical-care contradictions. Christian Scientists are famous for eschewing medical care of almost any form, and there are many Christian Scientists who are quite absolute on that, but there seem to be some little exceptions to the rules–even for some of those absolutists. While going to a medical doctor will usually get one ostracized in the Christian Science community (and cost you your job if you work in some Christian Science-related workplaces), some forms of physical care are perfectly ok. Here, all wrapped up in a neat little package for you, is a bullet-point list of the physical care procedures that are ok: Continue reading

What’s In a Year

Today, April 27, 2014, marks one year since I posted the first post that got this little project of mine off the ground. A lot has changed in my life, and much has remained the same. I continue in my growth as a “former Christian Scientist”, and in that respect, my life has moved in directions I never would have thought it would, and been richer and more fulfilling than ever. I also can’t believe how fast a year has passed.  Continue reading


Thinking about Christian Science and not only what it did to me and my family, but what I’ve seen it do to others, and/or make them do to themselves, I feel varying mixtures of anger and frustration. Too many people needlessly suffer and sometimes die while they pray in Christian Science for an ever-elusive healing. Continue reading


This is #6 in a series of posts looking at the 26 Christian Science Weekly Bible Lesson subjects, chosen by Mary Baker Eddy, and rotated twice per year. These lessons are the sermon at each Christian Science church worldwide, and are read by Christian Scientists daily. Today’s subject is “Mind”. Look for other posts in the category “Lesson Sermon Subjects“.

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Church of Christ, Scientist (aka Christian Science)

As a former Christian Scientist myself, I find the observations of those unfamiliar with Christian Science to be very interesting and refreshing.

Steeple Stretch

photo 3-2 First Church of Christ, Scientist

Sunday #14 – Church of Christ, Scientist, 501 N. Alamo, San Antonio, TX

After last week’s “toe dip” into Scientology, I thought I’d check out one of the other religions often mistaken for Scientology – Christian Science. The church is one of several on the decline in America’s religious landscape. However, you might be surprised to learn that some pretty well known people were raised in the Christian Science faith: Doris Day, Robin Williams, Marilyn Monroe, Henry Fonda, Andy Rooney, Bette Davis, Gene Autrey, Carol Channing, Ginger Rogers, Val Kilmer, Joan Crawford, Elizabeth Taylor, Marlon Brando, and on and on.

Though the church doesn’t publish its membership numbers, I’ve read estimates of membership in the 100,00 to 500,000-range worldwide. However, many feel the number is closer to the lower level. Why is this? I can only guess its due to its unwillingness of the…

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On Being Non Religious and Post-Religious

After about 40 years as a Christian Scientist (or at least trying my best to be one), I have left behind not only Christian Science, but Christianity and all organized religion as well. Religion is something I honestly have absolutely no use for in my life. The concept of “God” as found in the Bible is something I have inescapably found to be abhorrent and morally reprehensible. I’ll just toss out various and sundry genocides (Canaanites for example) as a prime example of what I see as amoral conduct on the part of God. I know many will strongly disagree with me, and that’s fine with me. We’ll just agree to disagree. Continue reading

The Sunday School Files: My Adventure With Mr. M Ends

I wrote two previous posts about my days in the Christian Science Sunday School under the tutelage of Mr. M (name changed to protect the asshole)–for context on this post, I recommend you read the two older posts first. Shortly after the events I tell about in this post, Mr. M was removed from his position in the Sunday School–I don’t remember exactly how soon afterwards, but I recall it all happened within a month or so. This post tells that story. Continue reading

Humour on the Dark Side

Sometimes humour can be found in the most trying of circumstances, and you can find yourself laughing at times when it would seem more normal or appropriate to be crying. I’ve often found myself in that situation. Humour is a release from stress, kind of like opening a pressure relief valve. It lets you blow off steam in a mostly benign way. Continue reading

Growing Up Christian Scientist: My Experience

I’m embarking on a series of posts that will look into what it’s like to grow up as a Christian Scientist. Look for future posts under the category “Growing Up Christian Scientist“.

I love it when inspiration and/or topics for blog posts are dropped into my lap, or in this case, my e-mail inbox. A reader recently e-mailed me with some nice compliments on a couple of posts, told me some of their story, and finished off by asking for my insights into growing up as a Christian Scientist, and some of the “sheltering” that our Christian Scientist parents did to us to keep us as protected as they could from the “big bad material world”. Since this is an insight that may be of interest to others, I will begin to answer my reader’s question here in this post. Continue reading