The Impersonal Christian Scientist

As I was writing and editing my recent post Love, I began to see issues I touched on there that I wanted to expand on, but it just didn’t seem to work within that post. The biggest one for me is something that has become very apparent to me as I’ve left Christian Science: the coldness and impersonal nature of many Christian Scientists–especially parents. Continue reading

What Would Make Me Go Back?

I have sometimes wondered what might ever make me go back to Christian Science; if I ever would go back; and what it might be like if I did. Some of us in the ex-Christian Scientist groups fear that when we grow older and potentially slip into dementia, we might inadvertently revert back to Christian Science in the mental fog of dementia, and I honestly think that’s probably the only way I can see it that I would go back at this point, since the only other thing that would send me back is unlikely to ever happen. And…that brings me to the topic of this post. 

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