Orange juice makes me happy!

This is part of an occasional series of posts that will look into what it’s like to grow up as a Christian Scientist. Look for posts under the category “Growing Up Christian Scientist“.

Orange juice makes me happy!

This was the once-proud pronouncement of a child who grew up in a Christian Science household. She related this to a Christian Science practitioner, and was sternly rebuked. Yes, you heard me right–this happy child was rebuked for simply expressing how happy something as simple as orange juice made her feel! Can you believe that? I’ll bet most people can’t, but those of us who grew up swimming in the Krazy Sauce of Christian Science just give a knowing head-nod and eye-roll. We’ve all been there before in one way or another. Continue reading

What’s “God” got to do with it?

I was recently offered a new position at work–it represents a bit of a promotion. It’s a job that focuses on some primary aspects of the varied roster of duties I’ve had in my five-year tenure where I work, but at a higher level of overall responsibility. Back in the day, I would have credited Christian Science, God, and probably Mary Baker Eddy (in some way) for this opportunity. Most people of deep faith will credit God or some other deity for good fortune in their lives. I do not. I’m going to sound a bit selfish and egotistical here, dear reader; but in this case, I largely credit myself. Continue reading