Grab the Life Ring Before You Drown!

Among the ex-Christian Scientists I’ve encountered in an ex-Christian Scientist Facebook group I am a member of, I have heard more than a few express how they’re still slow to seek treatment for injuries, diseases, or other issues. It’s a legacy of Christian Science, and it holds tight. I am no exception. Continue reading

The Sunday School Files: Abortion

Ladies and gentlemen, how about a hot-button topic? How would you feel about your kids’ Sunday School teacher asking them what they think of abortion? I know if I had kids, I would not want a Sunday School teacher, or any teacher for that matter foisting their opinions about this, or any other political/social/personal issue on my kids–I don’t care what side of the political spectrum we’re talking about. But, this is exactly what happened to me around about the age of 11 or 12 when Mr. M asked me what I thought of abortion. Continue reading

Let’s Start at (or near) the beginning, and the first seeds of doubt are planted

Welcome to the first entry in my blog about my journey away from Christian Science. If you read the “About” section, you’ll know what it’s all about. So, where better to start for my first post than a memory from my childhood. Continue reading