Was there anything good about it?

I started this blog both as a critique of Christian Science, and to tell my own story (which is, in itself, a critique of Christian Science), and by doing so, to find my own healing from the effects Christian Science has had on me. So, I imagine a few of my regular readers who are apologists for Christian Science (and I know there are a few, based on my comments section and emails I receive), may wonder, is there anything about Christian Science that I think is good, or has been a positive influence on me? You might be surprised to find out that the answer is yes, albeit a conditional yes. There are not many, but there are a few.

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Heaven and Hell

As I’ve alluded to in a previous post, there are some ideas and concepts from Christian Science that have stuck with me, and always will. It’s not all misguided illogical doublespeak. Some of it is logical and makes sense, to me at least. One of the biggest ones is the Christian Science concept of heaven and hell (I don’t capitalize these terms, as I do not believe in them as actual places). Continue reading

I Walk With Love

A favourite hymn of mine is #139 in the Christian Science Hymnal. The first line is “I walk with Love along the way…” These words have always brought me great comfort, as does the musical setting. Some of my most cherished childhood memories are of my Mom singing that and also #304 (Shepherd show me) and #207 (O gentle presence) to me when I was sick. The words of all of these hymns still comfort me when they come to mind, and I can still hear her voice in my mind as vividly as the last time she sang these hymns to me when I was a child. The marriage of poetry and music in hymns has tremendous mental/emotional healing power. But, it is the line from #139 in particular, that inspires this post. Continue reading