Just because it is old…

Recently, I was going through the last few bins from our recent move, deciding what to keep, what to toss, and how to store what I am keeping. One of the bins I went through is a catch-all bin where I packed unsorted stuff that my wife and I knew was important to keep, even though it was mostly stuff we would almost never look at: folders with important papers, documents from my parents’ estates, tax records, educational certificates–stuff like that. It is the kind of stuff you need to keep, but you pretty much never look at it.

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Happy everything!

I am scheduling this post to go up on December 25th. Christmas is a holiday that I have a complicated relationship with. December 25th is the day my Dad died, in 2009. So, it is a combination of a very joyous day, and the anniversary of one of the worst days in my life. This year will mark 14 years since he died from a heart condition that was left untreated due to his faith in Christian Science. Like I said, it’s complicated.

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The bad stuff is actually OK…

Image credit: Elise Gravel (http://elisegravel.com/en/)

I came across this image on-line the other day, and it speaks loudly to me as a former Christian Scientist. I think I’ve written on this subject deep in the early days of this blog, so this may be a bit of a re-visiting some ground I’ve covered, but now I want to do a bit of a deeper dive. This meme illustrates an issue that cuts deep for most of us former Christian Scientists, and it never really goes away. It is what I call the “bad” emotions and feelings.

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Doctrine of Atonement

This is #22 in a series of posts looking at the 26 Christian Science Weekly Bible Lesson subjects, chosen by Mary Baker Eddy, and rotated twice per year. These lessons are the sermon at each Christian Science church worldwide, and are read by Christian Scientists daily. Today’s subject is “Doctrine of Atonement”. Look for other posts in the category “Lesson Sermon Subjects“.

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