On dissenting opinions, Ellen, and Christian Science

This post is starting out as a bit of a random thought-spill that takes in several different thoughts, incidents, and things published that may not seem related at first glance, but they all have a common thread that weaves, or more like zig-zags randomly through them. So bear with me, dear reader. I do have a point (I think). Continue reading

Moral ambiguities of Christian Scientists

what is truth

Image credit: evidence unseen (www.evidenceunseen.com).

My thoughts for this post have been rattling around in my brain for quite a while, and a discussion thread on Facebook with a couple of ex-Christian Scientist friends re-ignited my interest in this idea not too long ago.

I think Christian Science can, and sometimes does, make at least some people fundamentally dishonest. Now, before you run screaming, “my mom is the nicest, most honest person around, she’d never tell a lie!” hear me out. I’m talking about deeper honesty here, deeper than whether or not someone is telling you a lie. I’m talking about actions, and what one perceives to be right and true or not. Christian Science theology can have a way of blurring the lines between right and wrong for some people. Continue reading

A Tragically Public Failure of Christian Science

I’m not a follower of celebrity news or gossip. It is something that has never held much interest for me. However, one bit of recent celebrity news has caught my attention for obvious reasons, given my background and the reasons I write this blog. I also feel very conflicted about this story as well, and have debated whether or not to write about it at all. The celebrity story I discuss here points up a central reason why I write this blog: Christian Science does not heal physical ailments. Plain and simple, it does not work. I’ve said this many times; and now we have a very visible failure of it in the celebrity news pages. Continue reading

Metal and Christian Science

My musical taste is very eclectic. I enjoy almost anything from a symphony by Mozart or Beethoven to the guitar riffs of AC/DC, Judas Priest, Def Leppard, or Van Halen. About the only kinds of music I don’t care much for are country, folk, rap, and hip hop. Music has tremendous power to change one’s mood, or take you back to a specific place and time. It can evoke deep emotions, and make you forget the worries of your day. A nice guitar riff can lift my mood instantly. Continue reading