Acceptance of limits

I live in what is considered a hiking/outdoors mecca. People come from all over the world to undertake multi-day backpacking trips on world-class trails through temperate rainforests in and around this general area. In addition to the big trails, just in the small community I live in, there are lots of short day-hikes of varying degrees of difficulty that are mostly used by us locals. There are also many other outdoor recreational opportunities year-round here like paddling, boating, and fishing. This is a big part of what drew my partner and I to relocate here. In the past, I have been an avid outdoor enthusiast, however I’ve lapsed over the last several years, and my partner wants to explore outdoor activities more.

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Testimonies of healing are an integral part of Christian Science practice. It’s where the rubber meets the road. I’ve written a post about the subject (more of a humourous take). The Ex-Christian Scientist,* did this piece regarding the last chapter of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, entitled “Fruitage”**:

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God the Only Cause and Creator

This is #18 in a series of posts looking at the 26 Christian Science Weekly Bible Lesson subjects, chosen by Mary Baker Eddy, and rotated twice per year. These lessons are the sermon at each Christian Science church worldwide, and are read by Christian Scientists daily. Today’s subject is “God the Only Cause and Creator”. Look for other posts in the category Lesson Sermon Subjects.

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