Antibiotics are wonderful!

According to the historical record, modern antibiotics, as we have come to know them, were discovered accidentally in 1928 by Dr. Alexander Fleming. He had returned from a holiday to find mould growing in a petri-dish containing staphylococcus bacteria in his laboratory. He observed that the mould was able to defend itself from the bacteria. He discovered that the mould produced a chemical in self-defence that could kill the bacteria. He named the substance penicillin. However, practical ways to produce antibiotics on an industrial scale did not come about until 1946, after many years of research.

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The topic of this post is something on my sort of imaginary (because I’ve never written it down) list of silly things I think about because I’m a former Christian Scientist, and it is something I’ve written on before. I recently had an appointment with a new dentist I recently switched to. As with any such appointment with a new care provider, there are the usual questions about allergies, medications, and any family medical history to be aware of. Proudly, I listed the three medications I do take (all related to asthma and allergies). Now, most people wouldn’t think anything of this sort of thing, but for me, it’s still a bit of a big deal to be a ‘normal’ person who sometimes does take prescription medications, or who is at least open to the idea. Continue reading

I Am a Sensitive Guy

It’s official: I’m a sensitive guy. I received that diagnosis recently during a visit to the emergency room at the local hospital. This visit was occasioned by a sudden, unpleasant, and quite alarming rash that broke out all over my body; and given that it was late in the evening on a Sunday, going to a walk-in clinic or my own doctor were not going to be options, so I went to the ER. The rash had arisen the day before in a much milder form, and had somewhat subsided overnight, but now it reared its ugly head in a much more alarming form, worse than I had experienced such a rash in the past. Continue reading

Don’t Let a Minor Become a Major

A reader recently commented on one of my posts, stating that they had been a ‘radical relier‘ on Christian Science for much of their life until they left Christian Science, and related a painful dental story. The last sentence of their comment really resonated strongly with me, and my own experience now as a former Christian Scientist. Continue reading

This is OK and that is not

This is another in an occasional series of posts dealing with contradictions within the practice and/or culture of Christian Science. For other posts, check out the topic “Contradictions

There are many things about Christian Science, and especially the practice & culture of Christian Science, that get under my skin and annoy me; but one of the things that truly does are the odd physical-care contradictions. Christian Scientists are famous for eschewing medical care of almost any form, and there are many Christian Scientists who are quite absolute on that, but there seem to be some little exceptions to the rules–even for some of those absolutists. While going to a medical doctor will usually get one ostracized in the Christian Science community (and cost you your job if you work in some Christian Science-related workplaces), some forms of physical care are perfectly ok. Here, all wrapped up in a neat little package for you, is a bullet-point list of the physical care procedures that are ok: Continue reading

Christian Science AND Medical Care?

This article was posted today in an ex-Christian Scientist Facebook group I am in, and it is an interesting read. It dates from 2010, and I recall reading it when it first came out. It was written with the blessing and cooperation not only of a Christian Science practitioner or two, but also of Church officials. Oh, how the Church tries desperately to stem the tide of decline and remain relevant in a world that seems to leave it in the dust more and more! Continue reading