Christian Science Testimony “Mad-libs”

Testimonies of healing are a central part of Christian Science practice. Mary Baker Eddy wrote of the importance of healing and testimonies of healing to Christian Science: “Testimony in regard to the healing of the sick is highly important. More than a mere rehearsal of blessings, it scales the pinnacle of praise and illustrates the demonstration of Christ, ‘who healeth all thy diseases’ (Psalm 103:3).”  (Manual of The Mother Church, Article VIII, Section 24, p. 47) Testimonies are published in the Church periodicals, and Wednesday Testimony Meetings are held weekly in all branch churches. Continue reading

Where are my damn car keys?

Sweet mother of Jesus! I have been healed of writer’s block! While it may not seem that I have this affliction, since I write posts in advance and only post every other week, my output of late has slowed somewhat, and I don’t have quite as many posts in the queue as I normally do. However, thanks to our lard and saviour, I have found inspiration for a post! Continue reading