Go Forth, Brave Turtle!

Scared Turtle in Shell --- Image by © Sabet Brands/Corbis

Scared Turtle in Shell — Image by © Sabet Brands/Corbis

I don’t mean to denigrate turtles; I happen to think they’re wonderful creatures, and I encounter many of them by the lakes here where I live, and like all animals, I think they’re beautiful. However, they do exhibit a well-known behaviour when frightened that is analogous to how Christian Scientists sometimes act when they speak or write publicly about Christian Science, and are challenged or questioned on what they say. So, I denigrate them for metaphorical purposes only. Continue reading

Something I’ve Read

It is this kind of sanctimonious attitude among Christian Scientists that truly angers me. When pressed about the preventable deaths of children under Christian Science “care”, Christian Science lecturer Christine Driessen blames it on “secular culture”, and the fact that people seemed to turn away from God. No, those kids died because they didn’t receive medical care that could have possibly saved them in many cases. Christian Scientists are masters of passive aggressiveness, and blaming the victim or society for the undeniable fact that CHRISTIAN SCIENCE DOES NOT HEAL! For more on what I’m talking about, check out this article: Continue reading

A Call To Action


Image Credit: Black Atheists (Facebook Page).

Politics is something I don’t care much for, and don’t get involved with much beyond the voting booth. I have my political positions, and I do express them on occasion, but I’m not a political activist, and I would never use a platform such as this blog to advocate a political stance, except when it’s an issue that strikes at the core of what I write about here in this blog. Continue reading

Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?

This is #2 in a series of posts looking at the 26 Christian Science Weekly Bible Lesson subjects, chosen by Mary Baker Eddy, and rotated twice per year. These lessons are the sermon at each Christian Science church worldwide, and are read by Christian Scientists daily. Today’s subject is “Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?”. Look for other posts in the category Lesson Sermon Subjects

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