Doctrine of Atonement

This is #22 in a series of posts looking at the 26 Christian Science Weekly Bible Lesson subjects, chosen by Mary Baker Eddy, and rotated twice per year. These lessons are the sermon at each Christian Science church worldwide, and are read by Christian Scientists daily. Today’s subject is “Doctrine of Atonement”. Look for other posts in the category “Lesson Sermon Subjects“.

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Something to see!

There’s a new video series, featuring a number of former Christian Scientists sharing their experiences. Check out Leaving Christian Science Podcast.

Antibiotics are wonderful!

According to the historical record, modern antibiotics, as we have come to know them, were discovered accidentally in 1928 by Dr. Alexander Fleming. He had returned from a holiday to find mould growing in a petri-dish containing staphylococcus bacteria in his laboratory. He observed that the mould was able to defend itself from the bacteria. He discovered that the mould produced a chemical in self-defence that could kill the bacteria. He named the substance penicillin. However, practical ways to produce antibiotics on an industrial scale did not come about until 1946, after many years of research.

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This is #21 in a series of posts looking at the 26 Christian Science Weekly Bible Lesson subjects, chosen by Mary Baker Eddy, and rotated twice per year. These lessons are the sermon at each Christian Science church worldwide, and are read by Christian Scientists daily. Today’s subject is “Matter”. Look for other posts in the category “Lesson Sermon Subjects“.

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This is #20 in a series of posts looking at the 26 Christian Science Weekly Bible Lesson subjects, chosen by Mary Baker Eddy, and rotated twice per year. These lessons are the sermon at each Christian Science church worldwide, and are read by Christian Scientists daily. Today’s subject is “Substance”. Look for other posts in the category Lesson Sermon Subjects.

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Christian Science Testimony “Mad-Libs”: 2023 Edtion

An on-line discussion about the chapter “Fruitage” in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures prompted me to remember a game some who grew up in Christian Science played. You had to give a credible-sounding Christian Science testimony that used three random words that were given to you. Back in 2015, I turned this into a game we played in one of the ex-Christian Scientist groups I’m in on-line, and posted the results in this post. It’s been eight years now since that post, and a recent conversation prompted me to give this another go.

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Abuse is a big, and highly sensitive topic. In a sense, this entire blog is a chronicling of how I’ve overcome the abuse that Christian Science, as a system of thought or whatever you wish to call it, has inflicted on me, my family, and many former Christian Scientists I’ve come to know. Abuse is pervasive in most religious organizations to such a degree that it is literally baked into the DNA of organized religion. Regular readers of this blog know full well that I do not have a favourable view of religion, and the abuse that happens “in the name of God” is a primary reason why. I’d like to take a brief, and I hope understanding, look at a small slice of this subject as it relates specifically to the experience of being a Christian Scientist, and being raised in Christian Science.

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God the Preserver of Man

This is #19 in a series of posts looking at the 26 Christian Science Weekly Bible Lesson subjects, chosen by Mary Baker Eddy, and rotated twice per year. These lessons are the sermon at each Christian Science church worldwide, and are read by Christian Scientists daily. Today’s subject is “God the Preserver of Man”. Look for other posts in the category Lesson Sermon Subjects.

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Blog Update

Just a quick note that I am returning to posting biweekly rather than weekly as I was doing through June – August. Posts will still go up on Sundays at 07:00 Pacific Time (Canada). My next post will go up on September 10th. Thank you for your support!


As I write this post, I am in the middle of relocating from a community I’ve lived and worked in for over thirteen years to a new community in a completely different part of the province I call home. It’s a bit funny to realize that, as I write this, I’m in the midst of decluttering and packing for our move, but once this post goes up in about three months, we’ll be settled into our new home, and I will hopefully be in a new job. I’m moving for a few main reasons: one, my partner transferred to a new job; we are moving to a smaller more laid-back community we have wanted to live in for several years now; and we have family in the area that we want to be closer to. My partner has been there for over two months, now I will be following her there. My last day at my previous job, that I had for nearly twelve years, was yesterday. Big changes are afoot.

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